Xalatan versus xalacom
Xalatan versus xalacom

xalatan versus xalacom

Yeah, this is sounding like a Costco add so I assure you I am in no way affiliated with that company. The lady said their price was $24.99! I couldn't believe it, asked her to repeat it a couple of times, then called another Costco just to be sure and got the same answer. I remembered my eye doctor telling me that Costco had good prices on it so I called them yesterday. A 3 pack of the generic at a major drugstore chain cost me $255 (no health insurance but I was willing to pay that when the other option was blindness.) And now I am due for a refill. The main reason I am doing this review is because I am feeling ripped off and maybe I can save somebody else from the same experience.

xalatan versus xalacom

No big problems with side effects after the first couple of weeks. After 3 months of use, the eye pressure has lowered to within normal range.

Xalatan versus xalacom